

FY 2021-22 Annual Report

On behalf of the Gonzales Economic Development Corporation (GEDC), I am pleased to present you with the 2021-22 Annual Report. What a year we have had funding projects that align with our mission to, “Drive business opportunity for Gonzales, Texas.”

Throughout this report we have highlighted projects and events that demonstrate how GEDC, and our economic development staff are laser focused on improving our community by funding business grants, strengthening our workforce, and supporting the City of Gonzales by paying for infrastructure studies, and preserving historic facilities.

In addition to being excellent stewards of the sales tax that fund our organization, we were able to increase our capacity to serve the community through organizational changes including adding staff, onboarding new board members and elected officials, and implementing new efficient internal business practices.

As we look toward the future, we realize that we cannot do this alone, our commitment to you and the community is to consistently look for new ways to build partnerships both internally and externally that attract new business and expand investment into Gonzales. This will be accomplished through our partnerships with our existing industries, education institutions, infrastructure partners and taxing entities.

Should you have any questions about this report or want to know how you can
support GEDC’s mission, please contact me or our professional economic
development staff.

Andy Rodriguez