Gonzales Main Street in conjunction with the Gonzales Economic Development Corporation (GEDC), recently reimbursed Laurel Ridge Antiques and Gifts for projects completed on the historic three-story brick structure located at 827 St. Joseph Street in downtown Gonzales, Texas. The landmark business is packed full of antiques, unique gifts and serves as an Inn.
The scope of the project included adding a railing around the second-floor deck, upgrades to the electric main, adding a bathroom in one of the second story guest rooms, replacing the HVAC system and other various repairs.
Gonzales Main Street, Inc. strives to assist in the preservation and revitalization of our Historic Main Street District. Through the transformational strategies of economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization, they focus on prosperity through preservation. “A vibrant downtown and successful Main Street Programs help move Gonzales in the right direction so that we can propel our community forward,” said Tiffany Hutchinson-Padilla, Gonzales Main Street Director.
“Funds from the GEDC, a Type 4B economic development corporation, are administered through an agreement with Gonzales Main Steet empowering Main Street to give grants to qualifying businesses in the designated Main Street District. This project helped add value and preserve the historic structure so the building can be used as a business and lodging for many years,” said Jennifer Kolbe, GEDC Economic Development Director.
For additional information on the Gonzales Main Street Program: https://www.gonzales.texas.gov/p/departments/main-street
For additional information on the Gonzales Economic Development Corporation https://gonzalesedc.org/
For additional information on Laurel Ridge Antiques https://laurelridgegonzales.com/